THREE Important Updates

21 03 2008

IMPORTANT! ALL LAZORS MUST READ! There are not one or two, but three important updates. These are all crucial to the team’s integrity and well-being, so please read through this blog post carefully. Firstly, the Eagle Squadron finally has a leader. He is [Lazor][Eagle-Leader] Azer . Please remember this name; it will aid you in battle. This is probably our most important change that will occur in a long time.

Another update is our new site. I have changed it once again because the older version, despite its striking GUI, lacked tags and categories for each post. What’s more, its minimalistic design made it difficult to navigate and become accustomed to the interface. Our new site has all of the features the older site lacked, and has a custom header that now has an image of a dark black tee with red eyes saying “Oop!” (the Teewars slogan). I hope you enjoy our new look and feel.

Finally, the password for the LazorDB will be given out soon. However, in order to obtain it, you must agree to a few terms. These terms will be listed in an email that will be given to each Lazor member once we have obtained a mailing list. An option to include your email on the site will also be included. The password you get will also be valid for the Lazor server (once we get one) Thank you for reading this lengthy post, and thank you for your time and patience while our team is still beginning.


More Clarifications

17 03 2008

Just a reminder, all Lazors from AIC do not need to submit a form. If you did, there is nothing wrong, but all you need to do is send in your email to b14ckm4g3 (at) comcast (dot) net. However, Lazors who are not from AIC must submit a form. Lazors from AIC who have decided to join after this post was written must do the same. Thank you for reading this message.


Clarifications, Clarifications

15 03 2008

IMPORTANT! ALL LAZORS MUST READ There is a standard form of username for any Lazor member. It goes like this [Lazor-Position][Squadron-Position] Username. Notice that everything is capitalized, (except for the username, which can be whatever you want) and there is no space between the squadron and the Lazor brackets and a space between the final bracket and the username. Also notice that there is a dash between the team/squadron name and the position, not a slash. So my username is [Lazor-Leader] Jon.Y3K’s is [Lazor-Vice][Phoenix-Leader] Y3K. .,;obscure;,.’s is [Lazor][Phoenix] .,;obscure;,.

Also, if you would like the Lazor Newsletter (coming soon), you will have to give your email to the name listed on the signup page. You will also be given to the special Lazor Server (also coming soon) with maps by Y3K and the special Lazor database. If you would like to switch teams, or have questions about the our team, then, again, use the aforementioned email. Thanks for reading.
